Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New Favorite Thing...

Root Digger Genealogy Corner
Honoring Ancestors Daily

RootDigger Genealogy Corner is a online newspaper where you can access the thoughts and interests of genealogist and author Yvette Porter Moore.  This edition contains links to articles like, "Preserve the Pensions: War of 1812 Pensions Project" by Marian Pierre-Louis, "4 Lesser Known Genealogical Sources" shared by OgleMedia and the video "A Short Introduction to Metis Genealogy."

Yvette Porter Moore, the founder of Root Digger  Genealogy Corner, is a native California. 

Now living in Arizona, the committed blogger shares not only her genealogy tips but mixes in a choice of topics related to important events in modern history, art and culture. 

Yvette Porter Moore
Click HERE to visit Root Digger Genealogy Corner!

Treat yourself to one of the web's best online family history resources!


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